Tiger King and bidets

Fuck man, I can’t believe how popular Tiger King is right now. Every time I look on social media or talk to friends, there it is. I wonder if the guy who made that series is rolling in dough right now. Hmmm, more likely the studio that financed him is rolling in dough, now that I think about it. I wonder what the pay structure is for Netflix though, like do they buy the right to show something with a flat fee, or do films get paid per viewing? I bet there are a bunch of different options, and Netflix and the studio figure out something they are both happy with.

Anyway, on one hand I’m really annoyed that everyone is making casual, semi-inside jokes about Carole Baskin or whoever because that’s just annoying. It’s like they’re passive-aggressively saying “look at me, I just watched a hip TV show so I must be pretty hip.” But on the other hand, it’s rare that I get into something at the same time as other people, so I find it a little exhilarating when it happens. It’s neat to feel like I’m part of a wave of something going on across the continent. It was like this with synthwave/chillwave/retrowave a few years ago. So yeah, mixed feelings.

Btw, I’m still nuts about synthwave/chillwave/retrowave. I’ve especially been enjoying it lately. There’s something about the juxtaposition of listening to music that makes you feel joyful while in the middle of a fearful, stressful time — like a pandemic when you can’t see your friends or do normal things. I don’t know how to describe the feeling but it’s like partying as the world burns or something like that. I wish I could describe it better but that’s the best I can do off the top of my head.

A micro trend I am fully excited about though is the Shawnigan Lake bidet trend. Bidets are hot in this town right now, hot, and I’m taking a lot of credit for that. See, Jenn and I listened to a Stuff You Should Know podcast about bidets several years ago, and after that Jenn casually mentioned she wanted one. In typical me style, I made a mental note of that and bought one ASAP, and then gave it to her for xmas. Yup, a bidet for xmas. Sounds like a shitty gift (lol) but she loved it. Ours is just an attachment that goes under the seat but it has a hot/cold temperature adjustment, and a joystick (that’s such a weird word) to move the nozzle around. We’ve had it for a few years now and are big fans of it, and at a campfire earlier this month three of our friends mentioned that they had installed bidet attachments or were waiting for one in the mail. And now old Sassy boy himself just told me he got one too. I’m thrilled this is catching on because a) if you got feces on your hand you wouldn’t wipe it off with paper and say “good enough,” so why is that acceptable for your back door, and b) we were the first of our friends to get a bidet so yup, we’re pretty “far out” as the kids say these days.


I’m a real cool guy.

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