world wars 3 & 4

Have you been reading the news lately? It’s sheer pandemonium out there right now. I was in the middle of writing a post about the entitled white lady in a New York park who threatened a black man with the promise of calling the police and telling them a black man was threatening her, all because he asked her to put her dog on a leash. It’s a fucked story but since I started that post, there has been rioting in Minnesota over police killing a black man in custody, US president Donald Trump stating on Twitter that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” (in regards to sending in the military to deal with the riots in Minnesota), a shooting in Kentucky in response to a black girl who was shot in a controversial police raid in March, multiple incidents of Asians being assaulted in Vancouver, a black guy in Georgia who was shot and killed by two white men while he was jogging through his neighbourhood…there is also the ongoing issue of the Coastal GasLink pipeline here in BC and the country-wide protests against it, which drew backlash and anti-indigenous sentiment from the alt-right. It now seems to me that the single event of the racist lady refusing to leash her dog is more important when viewed as part of the larger picture that is going on right now.

And that larger picture is a wild one. It seems like we reach these moments of critical mass more and more frequently, like we used to go 10 years between racial tensions boiling over, but now it seems to happen every two or three years. I wonder if the period between the boiling points will continue to decrease until one major event rolls into the next. I bet at that point, we’d see some real shit go down.

I’m all for it, personally. I know that violence and chaos are not typically good ways to create meaningful, positive change, but fuck it. As necessary as I think that change is, I also think that white males should be on the receiving end of persecution, violence, and terror for a change. It’s the only way they white males can truly appreciate what everyone else has been feeling for the last, what, thousand years? Something like that.

I also think that pain and fear may be key in finally getting the message through to white males. It’s like training a dog: it just keeps ripping your shoes apart despite all the treats and positive reinforcement training techniques you try, until you finally spank it with the latest destroyed sneaker. The dog really doesn’t like the spanking so the memory sticks with it, and it doesn’t touch shoes again. Yeah, spanking doesn’t work every time and some people think it’s cruel but I think that when positive training techniques don’t work, you need to demonstrate to the pupil that there is an unpleasant consequence — life isn’t all treats and hugs, and I think that’s an important lesson in itself. Anyway, I don’t mind applying the same approach to humans, and I think it might be beneficial to everyone at this point.

Of course, more than likely violence would just beget more violence and it would escalate until there’s a civil war (I’ve never realized what an oxymoron that is) across all of North America and countless people would be killed. I’m fine with that too though. It’s a good thing I’m not in charge of this ship. I’d plot any old course, as long as human death and carnage were likely finds. I just crave destruction.

On another note, the weather this spring has been great so far. We had a long dry spell at the end of winter/start of spring and I was wringing my hands, fretting away about the prospect of yet another hot, dry, dusty, fire-y fucking summer, but for the last few months it’s been pleasantly temperate with just the right amount of sun and rain. Shit son, it’s almost June and the weather is still quite nice. That’s fantastic. Every day that isn’t a dry, hot scorcher is a nifty day in my book.


“nifty,” lol

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