
Arrrrrggghhhh, I’ve just had a really nice summer weekend. I worked on Saturday and it sucked, it was hot and busy and stressful but after that we had a bunch of friends over for an outdoor horror movie and it was great. Lots of people came and it was nice to see people and catch up, and the movie was gloriously, exquisitely terrible — it was Verotika, which is the first film by the increasingly out-of-touch Danzig (who I’ve expressed my annoyance and confusion for here). I’d read dreadful reviews of it so I figured it would be perfect for one of these nights, and it was. Then we had a campfire afterward and continued to hang out till late.

Today was even hotter so I took the dog for a hike with the boys first thing, then Jenn and I went swimming with a bunch of the gang down at the river. We bumped into some old acquaintances down there and it was nice to see them and catch up a bit too. We ate chips and Celebration cookies and had lots of laughs. The water was frigid and the sun was scorching so they evened each other out nicely. It was the kind of simple pleasure shit that makes for wonderful future memories.

Now we’re going to have salad for dinner and watch Waterworld. What more could I ask for? Besides another box of Celebrations, perhaps.

Does anyone not like these cookies? They’re gosh darn solid.

Addendum: while we were watching Waterworld last night, an incredible thunder and lightning storm started, and lasted for at least two hours. It was so cool, we sat out on the porch for a while watching it. Then we went to bed and continued watching it out the window. I hadn’t ever seen one like that here, it reminded me of one I saw in Calgary when I was a little. I haven’t read the news yet so I don’t know if there are now a million wildfires around here started by the lightning so for the next few minutes I’m going to continue to believe that it was just an amazing sight and a cool close to a great summer weekend, with no negative effects around here whatsoever.

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