fuck you, cbc

I’m sick of slanted media pushing their agendas. For the past two years, the CBC has done so much irresponsible fear-mongering that I just want to scream.

Today I saw an article called “How to build resilience when there’s ‘no end in sight’ to the pandemic” — one, I’m sick of the “you got this, we’ll get through this together, let’s talk about how to stay strong” cheerleader bullshit, and two, the only reason there is currently no end in sight to the pandemic is because that’s the path we are choosing to take with it. Instead of governments focusing efforts on fighting a battle we lost at the beginning of all this, they should be focusing on how we learn to live with covid on a day-to-day basis for the rest of time, like we do with the flu. Because it’s never going away, and people don’t want to keep living as shut-ins for the rest of their lives (ok, maybe I’m wrong there. There are tons of lazy pathetic anti-social dorks who are content to binge watch Netflix and scroll through Tik Tok vids and call that a life, but still, there are also a lot of people who actually want to get back to, you know, being normal and social and actually going out and doing stuff.) Articles like the one I mentioned just entrench people in “it’s going to be like this forever and that’s acceptable, I guess” mentalities, and I am opposed to that.

Another article I saw this morning that got me similarly pissed was one that read “not every Omicron case feels mild” — no shit. As if the world doesn’t know this, as if we aren’t well aware already that it seems to GENERALLY be a mild infection but SOME people will get really sick or die from it. This isn’t a new fact, and yet CBC keeps finding new anecdotal cases from this tiny minority of people and making news stories out of them. What do articles like this do? It makes it look like omicron is worse than the numbers indicate, and that makes everyone (who isn’t critical of the news) scared, cue another “but don’t worry, you got this, we’re right here with you” article. It’s a fucking tired news cycle.

The CBC is like the news outlet equivalent of an annoying turbo-vaxxer, someone who is always posting “stay home, stay safe, etc” memes on their social media, getting into passive aggressive arguments on social media with people who don’t agree with them, beating the drum for whatever the government is calling for at the moment no matter how nonsensical it is or how inconsistent it is with whatever they were saying last week. It’s been like this through the whole pandemic, and I’ve been sick of it for, oh, a year and 11 months, and I’m only getting more sick of it. I find myself wishing more and more that computers and machines would take the reins of governing humanity. Maybe then we’d finally get some actually unbiased news and government. What a breath of fresh air that would be.

Time for me to take another news break, at least from CBC.

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