i feel weird today

Yesterday was such a strange day. I didn’t have much planned and expected it to be a chill day, but it ended up being really busy and stressful. I spent 4-5 hours doing stuff related to the place we are building up island: making decisions, drawing up diagrams with Jenn, and phoning emailing and texting with numerous tradespeople. Very boring and tedious but important and necessary stuff. Then I quickly baked cookies for Alex’s bbq. Then I rushed off to do the errands I thought I would have all day to do, and only had time for two of them. Rushed home for band practice but it was delayed due to shitty Friday traffic. Had practice and I didn’t play great, and then Kate blew her voice out near the end of our set. It was the craziest thing, I’ve been playing in bands since I was a kid and have never seen someone’s voice just go *pop* and suddenly stop. This would suck normally but it super sucks now because we have a show tonight. She says she feels 95% now so we are going to do the show and hope for the best but of course we’re all a little nervous about it.

Anyway, so practice was weird. Then I had to rush out after practice because Michael had texted me earlier and cryptically told me he had made me something for me that needed to be consumed ASAP. I was already late for Alex’s bbq due to band practice but I couldn’t very well turn down Michael’s offer so I went there on my way to Alex’s. Spent a little bit of time hanging out and catching up with him, Holly, Amelia, and Reid. Wish I had had more time to chill with them but had to rush off to Alex’s. It was fully raining by this point which put a damper on the bbq so that was a bit of a drag. Still had a nice time though.

Woke up this morning and had to quickly shovel cereal down my gullet so I could hike with Matt and Michael. Just as we got back to Michael’s, Jenn called me in a panic and said she had left the house without something important, and because she had the horse trailer she couldn’t easily turn around and get it. She was late for her thing at this point so I had to ask Michael to drive me home, then I literally ran and got her stuff, jumped in the car and sped off to give it to her.

Got home from that, and I finally didn’t have anything I needed to do or anywhere I needed to dash off to. So I went back to bed and slept for an hour. Woke up and the rain is still dumping. Now it feels like a lazy Sunday, I’m excited for the show tonight but I’m also nervous about Kate’s voice holding up, and yesterday was stupid busy and stressful but I still did several things I like lots. So it’s a real mixed bag of feelings I have going on right now.

Whatever, feelings like this don’t really matter, because regardless of them, I’m gonna pack the gear into the car and head to the show, and we’re gonna do our best tonight and I’m confident it will be fun. Weird feelings are just an interesting side note, that’s all.

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