Cataclysm vacation

I’m at the Duke Point Ferry terminal, waiting to get on the ferry to Tsawwassen. No one used to use this terminal, it was just truckers and their big rigs, but now it’s a Wednesday morning at 7 am and it’s jam packed with vacationers. The south island has changed so much since I was a kid. Anyway, the air smells of wildfire smoke and you can’t see the mainland from here because it’s obscured by the haze from the smoke, but you wouldn’t know it from all the happy young families that are running around, all excited about their vacations they are heading out on. I love the visual of these cheery families, merrily driving straight into the choking, suffocating apocalypse. It’s such a clear and direct metaphor for what the human race as a whole is doing. I feel lucky that I get to witness this madness.

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