the last 72 hours in my life

Early evening. I go borrow a flat deck trailer from our neighbours so I can load my 4wd Tercel parts car onto it and take it up to Sointula. I park the truck and trailer in the horse riding ring, and go try to start the parts car which hasn’t run in about six months. I have charged the battery in preparation for this. I put the key in the ignition, lights come on. I turn the key, absolutely nothing happens. Clearly a starter issue, which is bad because I don’t have a spare starter. I try gently hitting the starter with a block of wood because sometimes that can get a marginal one working again temporarily, no luck. The neighbour who loaned me her trailer texts, I mention the parts car is being difficult. She sends her two young adult kids over to help me, as they are both into shitbox cars, hit-to-pass racing, etc and can probably help. The boy, Tanner, brings a hammer and hits the starter harder than I did, and it responds. Great. I spray carb cleaner down the carb and turn the key, it fires but won’t stay running. Eventually we manage to back it out of its spot but it won’t stay running long enough to move from this spot. Jenn, Tanner, and the girl, Alanna, are pushing while I’m trying to get the engine going. I feel stupid sitting in the car while a small girl is pushing so I get out and suggest she try driving it. She hops in, we push a bunch, get it rolling down the hill. It gets going a bit too fast and I’m convinced Alanna won’t make the sharp turn onto the driveway and is going to destroy our fence, just a few weeks before the new owners move in. Thank the devil himself, she negotiates the corner and then the next two as well and gets the car right down to the trailer. Alanna and Tanner basically load the car onto the trailer and strap it down for me. Such fucking nice and capable kids. Jenn and I are wicked impressed.

Next day. Jenn and I spend most of the day jam packing shit in the box and back seat of the truck, in the Tercel, on top of the Tercel, and on the car trailer around the Tercel. It literally looks like The Beverly Hillbillies. That’s a fairly obscure reference these days I guess, so here’s a picture of what I’m talking about.

It takes a long time and it’s stressful because I keep finding shit I don’t want to bring to Sointula so I keep posting ads on marketplace to sell the shit, and Jenn and I are arguing about what to keep and sell, what to pack, how to pack it, etc. Eventually we get it done and the truck and trailer are loaded to the gills.

I have to head to work for a night shift but Jenn needs the car for soccer so she drives me to work and is going to pick me up the next morning. She drops me off, ones and plays soccer, and goes home. At 6:00 am the next day she calls me and says the car won’t start. She tries a bunch of stuff and it just cranks, won’t fire. I rebuilt the distributor several weeks ago and noticed the igniter seemed damaged so I suspect it has given up the ghost. This is terrible timing because I have to take the truck and trailer to Sointula and won’t be home till the next evening, so now Jenn won’t have a car while I’m away. Luckily she has no plans during this time. Anyway, I’m stuck at work so I have to ask my co-workers to drive me home, which I hate doing but they graciously do it. I get home and pop the hood on the Tercel. I pull a spark plug wire and get Jenn to turn the key while I look for spark. No spark. The problem is in the distributor. Will have to deal with it when I get home the next day.

I leave for Sointula. Long drive. A young guy at a gas station comments on how cool the Tercel is. I beam. At the same time, I bump into one of our north island friends and I marvel at how quickly we are settling down/in up here. It’s good. I listen to metal and podcasts (it was my first time downloading and listening to podcasts on my own, and it was alright — more on that later), take caffeine, eat snacks. Get to Sointula, unload all our crap, unload the car which still doesn’t run so that’s a time-consuming headache. I have dinner and watch a depressing movie. Then I remember I still have to download the Starlink app and check something for Jenn so I do that at 11:00 pm. Then I remember I need to remove the distributor from the parts Tercel and bring that home to fix our car back home but it’s late and I’m tired so I set my alarm for early so I have time to do it in the morning.

6:00 am today. I get up and remove the distributor from the Tercel, start heading home. Get breakfast at the Hyde Creek gas station. More metal, podcasts, caffeine and snacks. I want to stop for a milkshake or bubble tea but exercise restraint — too busy today, no time. I drop the trailer off with the neighbour. Get home and fix the distributor in the Tercel, it fires up and runs fine. I was right, it was the igniter in the distributor. Next I load garbage into the truck and take it to the dump because we can’t have a bunch of shit on the deck if we’re having people over for a bbq tomorrow. On the way home I get gift certificates at a local food truck for Tanner and Alanna, and drop that off with some cash for their mom as thanks for everything with the trailer.

Now I’m listening to chillwave and drinking creamy vanilla and mint tea (caffeine free) and trying to slow myself back to a normal pace, but the house is filthy and I can’t relax in a filthy house, plus I need to go shopping for the bbq tomorrow, plus I need to pick up some vintage shit in Duncan and sell some more stuff on marketplace.

This is just kind of a crazy time in our lives right now. I’m stressed to the tits but soon enough we’ll look back on this brief period and laugh.

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