another one from the vaults: i hate the human race

I just found this one in my drafts folder, and I don’t know why I didn’t post it either! I really like it.


Yesterday on my morning hike, I was thinking once again about the cult humans have for human life. I was thinking how, if we would look at our place on the planet from another perspective, I bet we’d feel very differently about our race.

I mean, if we put ourselves in the position of any virtually any other species on the planet and could see from the outside that there is one species that covers virtually the entire face of the planet, annihilates countless other species with total disregard, wipes out and transforms entire landscapes to make room for more of its kind, creates so much waste, trash, and pollution that it is poisoning itself and every other living thing on the planet, and shows no sign of changing its absurdly destructive habits, we’d say, “we need to stop those things, pronto.” We’d view humans on this planet as the most widespread, extensive, colossal infestation of vermin possible. We would see right away that we need to cull billions of humans, stat.

But we suck, and aren’t good at other perspectives, so instead we just perpetuate our bad habits: we continue to kill everything else on this planet, continue to pollute and destroy the very place we need to live, continue to try to save every possible human life while at the same time holding our foot down on the throat of every other living thing here.

The conclusion I came to yesterday is that the human race subscribes to a cult-like belief about humanity, and that belief is that nothing but humans matter.

I oppose this belief. I oppose the cult of humanity. I oppose humanity. I oppose humans.

get in the habit of euthanizing yourself before your life really takes a shit

I just found this old post in the drafts folder. Not sure why I didn’t post it already. I like it, so out into the world it goes.


Jenn and I watched a show about why everything dies eventually, and all the stuff humans have invented to extend our lifespans. It made me sad.

I think the biggest bummer is that the reason we want to live longer is not because we want to live, it’s more that we just don’t want to die. We’re afraid of it. Even though living longer just means more shitty time as a senior — sore, tired, alone, sick, etc — most of us would rather have that than be dead. I think that’s miserable. I generally dislike negative motivators, like fear. Negative motivators have their place every now and then but generally I prefer doing something because it makes me happy, not because I’m scared of the alternative.

I also don’t relate to fearing death so much. Don’t get me wrong, life is great, I’m really enjoying my time here, but I’m also excited to experience death. What’s it feel like? What happens afterward? I wanna know.

But besides that stuff, I’m also dismayed that we are trying to keep old and sick people alive even longer despite the overabundance of humans currently on the planet already. We can’t even get the global birth rate under control and give everyone here a good life so why are we trying to keep some grizzled old pricks around for even longer?

“Hustle that walker over to the medical building Ralph, it’s time to punch out. In fact, you should have punched out about 30 years ago.”