old man abaddon has a kid

I read an article about how Abaddon, the drummer from 80’s UK metal band Venom, had a kid with a young woman recently. He is currently 63 years old.

Venom, in the early 80’s. That’s Abaddon on the left.

I have questions about this.

How can anyone justify having a child at such an advanced age? How can you parent it like you need to when you have your own health needs and concerns that need to be addressed? Some other big male stars have been doing this recently — Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro most notably I think, and they’re even older than Abaddon. I was incredulous at them too of course. What the hell are these men thinking when they knock someone up?

But it takes two to tango, so I also wonder what their partners are thinking. I feel like anyone who signs up for having a child with a senior citizen father is clearly completely fucking nuts. There must be some sort of elite level gold digger, baby mama, or daddy issues stuff at play with these people.

But Abaddon in particular really has me wondering about his young partner, because Abaddon can’t be that wealthy. He played in a cult metal band that has probably only paid about as well as an entry-level career would have, plus he was probably a party animal who drank and snorted a lot of his money away, plus he probably had shady, inept managers who didn’t look after his meager wealth for him, so I don’t think there is much gold to dig here. In Abaddon’s case, I wonder if his partner is just such a star-struck Venom fan that she is happy to have the child of a 60-something year old man with basically zero prospects, just because he played drums (poorly) in a (lousy) metal band (40 years ago). It’s baffling, but people are totally fucked so not only would I not put this past someone, I actually expect it.

A while back, someone (I think it was Ben) said it would be great if there was a way to give every man a vasectomy at age 10 or something, and then if and when they want to have a kid in the future, they just have to go get it reversed. It would stop so many unwanted pregnancies, and ensure a certain measure of forethought going in to having kids. I’m not sure that hurdle would have stopped old Abaddon from making this mess he has created but it might have, and I think that would have been far better for him, his young wife, and the kid.