my chickens are a microcosm of the problem with humans

I think I need a few more chickens. I hate these times because when you add a few new hens, they are at the bottom of the pecking order and all the hens above them beat the shit out of the new girls, push them around, etc.

Perhaps the most heartbreaking aspect of this is that the chickens who are now the bullies were at one point the ones getting bullied themselves — when they’re at the bottom, they are meek and get treated like dirt, but the second they fancy themselves above another hen, they are thrilled to have someone beneath them they can kick around and abuse. I hate seeing formerly mild, sweet hens turn into monsters.

And guess what — yes, you know exactly where I’m going with this — humans are no different. I see it every day. In the flesh, on the news, everywhere. Even the kindest, sweetest people can and often do become vile fiends simply because they can. The only difference is the scale of the horrors which humans can birth — you’ll never see a chicken engineer genocide, for example.

We are literally no better than mean chickens. And we’re actually far, far worse than them. It’s so fucking sad.

Bonne nuit.