Event Horizon on a boat

I’m on the ferry again. Heading to the mainland. Cripes, what a hellscape this place is. I think what makes the ferry so particularly awful is that I am confronted — nay, overwhelmed — by a tidal wave of humanity that I usually avoid. I mean, I try to grocery shop early in the morning or later in the evening just to avoid the throngs of mouth breathers. I rarely go to concerts anymore. I (generally) avoid shopping malls. Ok I guess that’s the best comparison I have for taking the ferry, it’s like going to the mall in that there are tons and tons of people, and a good portion of them are despicable. Today there was a tall lumbering idiot carrying his approximately two-year old spawn. He was walking at a snail’s pace, impeding the progress of everyone behind him but he was totally unaware, he was too busy cooing like an imbecile at his progeny. Said progeny had dual snot-clogged nostrils, running and dripping down into her mouth. She coughed into the crowd of people around her several times, dad didn’t care. She was having a fit, crying about whatever happened to be in her line of sight at any given moment. She repeatedly hit him in the face with her hands, her blanket, whatever, and he kept acting like it was cute, the god damned dimwit. “Oh wow! Oh my! Blublublublublub [or some other dumb ‘fun game sound’ he made up].” I wanted to scream, “YOU ARE RAISING HER TO BE A MONSTER, YOU FOOL.” The people behind me were a pair of rough-looking middle aged men who kept swearing loudly and making smart ass scum comments like “where is a guy supposed to smoke dope and drink booze on this fucking boat,” over and over. Euurrrrgghhhhh, loathing. Then a human seated near me watched some worthless videos on their phone at full volume. I’ve been thinking lately that that is a red flag to me, a sign that a person is not conscientious or considerate of anyone around them. They are self-absorbed, entitled. Prob deserve to be tossed on the pyre to burn alive.

And that pretty much sums up my feelings on traveling with BC Ferries. It’s a flaming bastard of a hell ride. Not a good place for a misanthrope.

A child seated in front of me has turned around and made eye contact with me twice. He is maybe five, six. Young enough to still be cute, endearing. I’ve smiled politely each time but am acutely aware of the fact that he will grow into some kind of monster very soon.

Satanic sci-fi: why isn’t this a thing?

Do you know what genre is really lacking in all forms of art and entertainment? Satanic sci-fi. I can only think of a few things that really hit on this combo, and that’s the film Event Horizon which is about Hell becoming corporeal…ON A SPACE SHIP (sounds stupid but it’s actually pretty alright), and the album The Key by death metal band Nocturnus, which is supposedly a concept album about a robot traveling backwards through time to year zero in order kill the infant Jesus Christ (sounds neat and the album has some awesome artwork but the execution is lousy).



Both Event Horizon and The Key are well-liked in their respective circles yet no one has taken the ball and run with it. I honestly can’t think of any other Satanic sci-fi stuff. Wait, that’s a lie. There’s a Satanic horror film by John Carpenter called Prince of Darkness that has just a hint of sci-fi in it. It’s funny because without the one little sci-fi piece of the puzzle, Prince of Darkness is a pretty “meh” Satanic horror movie, but because of that sci-fi element, I think it’s something special. It adds a totally new and distinguishing aspect to the film.

Why don’t more people get on this train? I guess both Satanic and sci-fi shit are already niche markets so combining them would limit the audience to an even smaller segment of people. Ok, so there isn’t a huge market for Satanic sci-fi but fuck man, people create all kinds of passion projects that are wack and out in left field and doomed to tiny audiences — if people make other wack stuff they know they’ll lose money on, why doesn’t someone do it with Satanic sci-fi? Of the 8 billion people on this planet, how can there not already be a small movement of people vibing on this stuff, all joined by some online forum? How is this not already a thing? I can’t be the only one who loves this shit and wants more.



*edit – sept 25, 2021 – two more additions to the Satanic sci-fi list: a graphic novel called Yiu, and another thing I saw that I can’t fucking remember right now. Shit, I’ve been thinking about this for days, why is it slipping my mind now? Oh, the self-titled album by the black metal band, Thorns! Wow, that was close. Glad I got it.