Ultima Dies

I’d like to make a movie that starts out typically enough, with a great scourge spreading darkness and evil throughout the land, and the fate of the planet rests on the shoulders of some unlikely hero — a child, a nymph, a baby yoda, something cute and kind and universally lovable. And at the climax of the movie, in the great battle scene, that hero would get killed. That’s it, that’s what I want. I don’t know where it should go from there, maybe the evil forces would simply continue to roll over the weak, maybe some other hero for the good would present themselves. I don’t really care. I just know that as a viewer, I would love to be shocked and heartbroken by seeing the good, pure, innocent hero that we are all used to seeing overcome impossible odds, actually meet a more likely fate. Shit, it could even happen near the start of the movie. See? There are already so many adventurous possibilities, totally ignored by mainstream filmmakers. Cowards.