ack, child stars

I’m watching Millie Bobby Brown’s interview on Hot ones…

…and I’m sickened at what a little monster she clearly is. I’ve bitched plenty about stars, and child stars in particular, and how how stardom warps them. I think MBB is, sadly, a perfect example of this. She is only 18 but she has learned so many gross Hollywood-isms, ways of acting cute-sy and sincere and affable that are, at least to me, completely transparent. She is faking all these things, she is so ‘on’ throughout this Hot Ones interview that I couldn’t even make it through it.

To make it worse, just look at how many views the video has. It’s got almost 18 million views after being up for 6 weeks. This video is a big hit. Now look at the comments. Everyone loves her, thinks MBB is charming and funny and cute and the greatest. So not only is it horrific what stardom has done to MBB, it’s horrific that most of us can’t recognize how fucked up and narcissistic she is.

I don’t know. Maybe I’m expecting too much. Maybe some guests treat this show as regular media that they have to be ‘on’ for. Just because I would want to approach interviews from an honest and genuine place doesn’t mean everyone else would. And I guess most interviewers are weird vampires anyway, just as fucked up as most stars, so stars need to put up a front to sort of guard themselves against those interviewers — I’m sure that if everyone suddenly wanted me on their shows, I’d either be too open and honest and end up in some hot water, or I’d hate the phony interviewers and walk out on them. I guess stars need defenses so they don’t end up in those situations. Maybe mature guests can see that Sean from Hot Ones is not a vampire, but MBB is too young and immature and maybe still enjoys being ‘on’ and lapping up the spotlight.

Ok, so I still think MBB comes off as a typically twisted child star and that’s really sad and gross, but I also can imagine why stars would come at interviews from a different place than I would. That’s giving them a lot of credit, it assumes they are extremely self-aware and I doubt most of them are but there must be at least a few. And I stand by my take on how the comments on this video illustrate our unhealthy relationship with stardom, the kind of fucked up star behaviour that we see as cute, charming, endearing, etc.

This post is a real mess. Whatever, don’t care.