too early, too late: they’re both shitty

People always bitch about other people being late, and I hate it too of course but I also think being early is just as lousy. It’s essentially the same thing, it’s like saying to the other person “I’m just going to show up when I feel like and to hell with your plans.” It’s inconsiderate, it’s disrespectful.

Why am I bitching about this now? Because yesterday I had two people coming by to buy stuff. I told the first person to come at 11 am, and the next one to come at noon so that I would have time between them. But the first person showed up late and got here at 11:15, and the second person showed up really early and also arrived at 11:15. It made it really confusing for all of us — I thought they were all one group, who knows what they all thought, and it took us a minute to figure out what was going on. It’s a good thing I was home, and not in the middle of a workout or showering or jerking off or whatever the fuck else I do when I am not expecting company. That could have been a real disaster.

I think five minutes in either direction is acceptable. Five min early, five min late, that’s fine. That allows for little unforeseen circumstances like light or heavy traffic. 10 minutes, eh, I’m not going to freak out but I don’t like it. Anything beyond that and I start getting pissed. I just don’t think it should be that hard to manage your time appropriately.