Not wild about Canadian True Crime podcast

I started writing this a while back but have been busy so I’m only finishing it now. I don’t really feel inspired writing about it at this point (you know how much I believe in ‘strike while the iron is hot’) but I clearly remember being mighty vexed by some things about this podcast that I still think are worth bitching about now, so I’m forging ahead with this post. Here goes.

For the first time in my life, I downloaded some podcasts onto my phone and listened to them on my own. It was fine. I listened to some Stuff You Should Know, and I enjoyed it as much as ever. Chuck and Josh are so affable, so listenable. I also listened to a 4-episode series from Canadian True Crime about Robert Pickton because a co-worker recommended it, and I didn’t like it very much. Here’s why.

The series spent almost half of the 4-part series listing and describing most of Pickton’s victims in the most generic terms — “everyone said Cheryl had a personality that would light up a room, and a smile to match.” It was terrible. I understand the movement in true crime to place less focus on the killer and more on the victims but if you’re going to do it, do it well. Too many of these descriptions felt like the host was just trying to check a box, to say something — ANYTHING — about each woman, even if it was completely cursory or trivial. That made it feel like a hollow, empty gesture to me a lot of the time, which is even worse than not saying anything at all about each victim, in my opinion. Also, it was just really boring.

Another thing that bothered me was how overly sympathetic the host was to drug users in the story (or almost all of them — more on that shortly). Just like the relentless vague and praising descriptions of Pickton’s victims, the host made the same generic statement about many of the users, how they “tried their hardest to get clean and be a good parent to her kids, but the disease of addiction proved too strong and [insert name] was forced back onto the streets.” All the “tried their hardest” and “be a good parent” stuff wore thin for me quickly. These are such bland, typical descriptions that I can’t believe a word of them. It’s too black and white, too simplified. Not every addict is a good person just trying to get their act together — some are pieces of shit just like non-addicts, so I become suspicious when every addict is painted as some kind of fallen saint.

Also, I hate how no one accepts responsibility for their decisions these days. I don’t like people acting like addiction is something that was forced on them, like they never made the choice to start their bad habit, and are powerless to stop now. Everyone is dealt different hands and some get dealt a real shit hand, it’s true — but no matter how bad your hand is, it’s always within your power to do something with it. I feel like this culture of victimhood we have disempowers people, tells them that nothing is their fault, and because it’s not their fault, there’s nothing they can do to improve their life. They need help that OTHER people need to supply. No one wants to give any tough love these days, and I think that’s part of why we are floundering here in North America. I think we need to balance compassion and empathy with tough love. There you go, I solved it! It’s that easy! Lol. Anyway, this Canadian True Crime series bugged me because I think it pandered to this culture of victimhood that I dislike.

Which leads me to my next complaint about it — the only time this series DIDN’T pander to the culture of victimhood is when it shat on one particular drug user in the story. Here’s a crummy refresher: some guy saw evidence of Pickton’s murders, saw a bunch of blood on the walls in Pickton’s trailer or something, but he was terrified of Pickton and a drug addict so instead of going to the police to tell them what he saw, he went and got high instead. I think that’s roughly how it went, I could have it slightly wrong but I think I’m close. Anyway, the host was so sympathetic to most users who behaved similarly but when it came to this guy she laid into him and said something like, “if only he had gone to the police, he could have stopped the murders. But he didn’t. Instead he ran from his fears and got high, and allowed Pickton’s killing spree to continue.” Pick a lane, Kristi Lee — why were you so compassionate toward other addicts but hard on this one? Was this person not also a victim of their disease? That inconsistency bugged me.

On top of those specific complaints, I feel similarly about Canadian True Crime as I do the vast majority of podcasts: this is not an expert in their field giving an unbiased account of whatever (Joe Rogan, I’m looking at you and your shitty fucking podcast that I can’t believe so many boneheads love even though it’s just endless speculation by a stoned conspiracy theorist dude) — it’s a storyteller who is trying to entertain people. I know it’s not that simple, that Kristi Lee obviously did a mountain of research for her series, but a lot of the choices she made regarding her delivery of the material made it feel like she was really trying to play up the more titillating, sensational moments and aspects of the Robert Pickton story. The only good example that I still remember now is when she talked about Pickton “cackling” after saying or doing something awful. Now, it’s possible that Ms. Lee is simply quoting one of the witnesses or survivors in the story — that wasn’t made clear and if that’s the case, it’s a lousy example for me to use here, but regardless of that possibility, she chose words like that quite a bit, words that are dramatic and have specific tones to them. Like, even though cackle basically just means ‘laugh,’ the word is most commonly used to describe villains laughing, there’s an evil or malevolent connotation to it. If she just said “Pickton laughed,” it would mean essentially the same thing but not make him sound like a villain. By opting for ‘cackle,’ she implies he’s a mad, cruel monster who is positively gleeful about harming vulnerable women. Which most reasonable people would agree is true, but if you’re a professional journalist or reporter or whatever, you should be more neutral, impartial, state the facts without colouring things with loaded words like “cackle.” Ms. Lee did a lot of that and I didn’t like it. A story as sordid as Pickton’s doesn’t require creative license to spice it up. It’s completely fucked as it is.

Because this has taken me so long to finish and the details aren’t as clear in my mind as they were immediately after listening to the podcast, I don’t feel as confident in my critiques as I did initially. But fuck it. I’m tossing it out to the world anyway. If anything thinks I’m as dumb as Joe Rogan, please educate me. I hope I’m wrong about Ms. Lee and her podcast.

Tiger King and bidets

Fuck man, I can’t believe how popular Tiger King is right now. Every time I look on social media or talk to friends, there it is. I wonder if the guy who made that series is rolling in dough right now. Hmmm, more likely the studio that financed him is rolling in dough, now that I think about it. I wonder what the pay structure is for Netflix though, like do they buy the right to show something with a flat fee, or do films get paid per viewing? I bet there are a bunch of different options, and Netflix and the studio figure out something they are both happy with.

Anyway, on one hand I’m really annoyed that everyone is making casual, semi-inside jokes about Carole Baskin or whoever because that’s just annoying. It’s like they’re passive-aggressively saying “look at me, I just watched a hip TV show so I must be pretty hip.” But on the other hand, it’s rare that I get into something at the same time as other people, so I find it a little exhilarating when it happens. It’s neat to feel like I’m part of a wave of something going on across the continent. It was like this with synthwave/chillwave/retrowave a few years ago. So yeah, mixed feelings.

Btw, I’m still nuts about synthwave/chillwave/retrowave. I’ve especially been enjoying it lately. There’s something about the juxtaposition of listening to music that makes you feel joyful while in the middle of a fearful, stressful time — like a pandemic when you can’t see your friends or do normal things. I don’t know how to describe the feeling but it’s like partying as the world burns or something like that. I wish I could describe it better but that’s the best I can do off the top of my head.

A micro trend I am fully excited about though is the Shawnigan Lake bidet trend. Bidets are hot in this town right now, hot, and I’m taking a lot of credit for that. See, Jenn and I listened to a Stuff You Should Know podcast about bidets several years ago, and after that Jenn casually mentioned she wanted one. In typical me style, I made a mental note of that and bought one ASAP, and then gave it to her for xmas. Yup, a bidet for xmas. Sounds like a shitty gift (lol) but she loved it. Ours is just an attachment that goes under the seat but it has a hot/cold temperature adjustment, and a joystick (that’s such a weird word) to move the nozzle around. We’ve had it for a few years now and are big fans of it, and at a campfire earlier this month three of our friends mentioned that they had installed bidet attachments or were waiting for one in the mail. And now old Sassy boy himself just told me he got one too. I’m thrilled this is catching on because a) if you got feces on your hand you wouldn’t wipe it off with paper and say “good enough,” so why is that acceptable for your back door, and b) we were the first of our friends to get a bidet so yup, we’re pretty “far out” as the kids say these days.


I’m a real cool guy.