a short lightning round

There’s a big rain and wind storm starting right now. The news and weather stations keeping calling it a “bomb cyclone.” I’ve never heard that dumb term before in my life. What’s wrong with “wind storm”? I feel like that term is as viable and easily understood as ever.

And before this was the “heat dome,” instead of heat wave. And in recent years there was a snowmageddon, and a snowpocalypse. Have millenials taken over weather news or something? What’s with all these new juvenile and over-the-top names, when we already have perfectly good ones?

Blech, I guess the weather news is just catering to more millenials and their love of this kind of thing. I bet the next big weather event will be called “ninja turtle pj’s 90’s nostalgia low muscle tone/soft-bodied/chubby gamer who calls in sick so they can binge watch Netflix super tsunami.” Whatever, I’m happily hunkered down here, cleaning the house and listening to chillwave radio while the “bomb cyclone” does its thing outside. I liked watching the wind blow all the leaves off the maple trees, they were swirling around and it was a very pretty, very classic fall scene.

Speaking of chillwave, for some reason this morning I spent a bunch of time listening to new-to-me metal: Primitive Man, Circle of Dead Children, Vermin Womb, Joy, Clinging to the Trees of a Forest Fire, I forget what else. None of it was bad but none of it did anything for me at all. Then I put on chillwave radio and it’s great, totally hits the spot. I wonder what’s going on with me. Do I just not relate to metal as much as I used to? I still hate the human race — more than ever before, actually — and I still would love to listen to music that captures all the awful feelings I have, so I don’t think I’m outgrowing metal. Yeah, that’s not it, because I’ve come across some metal I love lately (like Jupiterian, for example). I think I’m just too familiar with metal to accept any of it that doesn’t knock my dick into the dirt. Rob Mitchell said that once, I don’t know what it means but I like it.

Ok now to do some more house cleaning. I want to move the corn plant closer to the window in the guest room but also keep the fan somewhere that Liam can access it easily when he’s drumming. Decisions, decisions.