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I think the US is going to erupt after the upcoming presidential election. Things are already so bad there now, and I don’t think it’s going to improve before the election. I think the situation is going to continue to simmer and occasionally boil over in small pockets, and it will culminate on election night or soon thereafter when someone inevitably loses. Then everyone who voted for the loser is going to claim the election was rigged and completely lose their shit. I wonder if I can make bets about this online. I should ask Bill, he bet online on the last election and won some money. I’d like to get in on that.

The problem right now is that both the left and right are so polarized, so extreme in their opinions and also thoroughly convinced about the other side being totally out to lunch, that no one is willing to concede anything, cooperate, compromise, etc. Everyone wants what they want and everyone who wants otherwise is a fascist — it’s a case of the pot AND the kettle calling each other black. It’s sad and frustrating to see.

I just wanted to note this here so that when shit goes down in November, I can look back and say, “I saw it coming.” I’ll probably just make some popcorn and watch the fireworks then, and hopefully count my winnings.

Fuck yeah

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