the feel-bad movement

For years, I’ve been saying that the movies I enjoy most now are the ones that make me feel the worst — like, the opposite of a feel-good movie. I want a feel-bad movie.

Also for the last few years, I’ve been thinking a lot about the music I want to write and record for myself. There isn’t a lot of truly nihilistic, misanthropic death metal out there, and what is out there is mostly trash. I hate that. I want more high quality, anti-human death metal, so that’s what I’m going to make.

It wasn’t until the other day when I had a conversation with Cody and Dunya about these topics (at their very nice new apartment) that I put the two of them together and realized that I want to join the feel-bad art movement. Or start it, since there actually isn’t one that I’m aware. There are just a handful of various albums and films I love that make me feel like shit, and I want to add to that catalogue.

So there, that’s basically my latest mission statement as an artist: I want to make good quality feel-bad art, that makes me feel wonderfully awful. If I end up starting or being part of an existing movement, hip hip hooray, that’s nice, but it’s not necessary.

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