the nihilist metalhead’s playlist

  • Craft – Fuck the Universe
  • Jupiterian – Protosapien
  • Akercocke – Antichrist
  • Akercocke – Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone
  • Skaldic Curse – Devourer
  • Skaldic Curse – World Suicide Machine

Those are the most well-executed and broadly hateful, nihilistic metal records I have come across so far. There are some other decent ones I thought about including but decent doesn’t cut it. I want music that would be a suitable soundtrack for the annihilation of all life, all matter, all dimensions, the universe, space and time, everything. I want it to feel that big and bleak and hopeless and awful and terrifying. If I’m like, “this is fairly grim,” that’s just not enough.

Let’s make an omelette

I was just washing dishes and listening to Craft when I had a small epiphany.


I like nature and want to preserve it as much as possible. That means encouraging people to change our habits and live cleaner and use less.

But I also hate humans and support the extermination of the human race, and turning our planet into an uninhabitable wasteland is a good way to go about doing that. It’s not my first choice for how to accomplish the goal because of all the other innocent lives that will be wiped out with us but hey, you can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs.

Considering that, I should feel good about both approaches. Both have their pros — I can hurt fewer undeserving things one way, and more deserving things the other way. If I think about it that way, I shouldn’t feel guilty when I fly to Japan or toss 6-pack rings in the garbage. I’m actually furthering the cause when I join the crowd and create more waste!

Sure, you could look at it the other way and say not committing to one approach or the other negates the effort you put into either one, but I like to think I’m a glass half full kind of guy.


Satan cometh; I welcome him.