there is no good antonym for ‘immaculate’

Yesterday I read a news story about a guy who picked up a hitchhiker. The hitchhiker had a backpack, and either the hitchhiker or backpacker smelled awful. Long story short, turned out the hitchhiker had recently killed and decapitated a woman and her rotting head was probably in the backpack. Gross.

Fast forward to last night. I had a nightmare that I was on some nice boat, and there was a rotted severed head just sitting in a corner on the boat. It was so rotted it was turning into a puddle of goop. But slowly, something was growing out of the muck, like the head was reforming itself. I sensed evil and was scared. It was the opposite of immaculate conception — rather than being conceived without stain or sin, this thing was being birthed 100% foul, impure, awful. It occurs to me now that there is no good antonym for ‘immaculate’ — immaculate means perfectly clean, without sin, but the closest to opposite we have for that is ‘dirty,’ or ‘not perfectly clean,’ or ‘with sin,’ and none of those are strong enough, because you can have like one spot, one sin and be considered those things. What if something is ALL sin, like, immaculately foul, perfectly impure? Someone help me out here.

Anyway. Next scene, I was in a big school and the rotted head had fully rebirthed itself into multiple complete human bodies, and they were following/chasing me. It reminded me of the film Possession from 1981, where (SPOILER ALERT) Sam Neill’s clone starts out as a bloody tentacled monster in a hotel room that slowly grows until it becomes his evil doppelganger.

Meanwhile, Jenn had a dream about an ex-boyfriend of hers being an idiot, and a bunch of his other ex’s coming out in court to give their accounts of him being an idiot too. They all started singing and it basically turned into the musical, Chicago. She woke up laughing about it.

I need my dreams to be more Chicago and less Possession.