people I see: bubble tea woman

Undisclosed restaurant in the Cowichan Valley. Obese woman, approximately 40 year old, takes my order at the front. I order two bubble teas. The woman tells me they are out of the tapioca for bubble tea. I’ve run into this several times recently so I’m instantly annoyed, say no thanks and walk out. But once outside, I remember a drink I had last month that was like bubble tea but minus the tapioca, and was excellent, so I go back in and say “you know what, I’ll get em even without tapioca.” I order two flavours but the woman doesn’t understand one of the flavours at all. “What?” she says. “Huh? What?” I repeat it several times, then even point it out on the menu. “Oh, pina colada,” she says, although that’s not what I pointed at and sounds nothing at all like what I’m saying. “No, mango pineapple,” I repeat once again. After these half dozen attempts she finally sees it and understands. She rings me in and charges full price despite the bubble tea having no bubbles. She then begins the epic task of making the bubble tea. I text Bill and kill time on my phone. After 5 minutes, I look at the woman and see her hustling about like frazzled people do, moving a lot and quickly, like they’re in a big hurry but not actually accomplishing anything. The cups she has pulled out are still empty. Another customer comes in, she glances at them then goes back to her big show of doing nothing at all. Eventually she says, “I’ll be with you in just a minute.” A minute later she leaves the still empty cups and takes this customer’s order. Goes back to the cups, then another customer comes in, same thing occurs. At this point I notice her fast fashion pants have a weird little built-in belt thing at the back but it’s come undone so both ends are hanging down her butt. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she’s just new here, but I decide this woman is a complete wreck. I can picture the kind of house she lives in, what her life is like. After over 10 minutes, she finally gives me the drinks and I realize that bubble tea without bubbles is just not worth it, and I should absolutely avoid coming here for bubble tea again. I’m glad this woman is working when so many others are opting not to but that’s not a free pass for anything and everything.