oh boy oh boy

For the first time in a long time, I’m excited about the upcoming summer. Usually I dread summer because of the heat and sun and droughts and wildfires, and I’m sure there will be lots of those things and lots of dread to go along with them, but I’ve also got some fun stuff already planned for summer that I’m really looking forward to. There’s Liam and Chantelle’s wedding, Paul and Kate’s wedding, a day trip to Port Alberni Jenn and I planned last week that will include a hike to a trestle, lunch at an old fashioned drive-in restaurant, thrift shopping (it’s great in Port Alberni), and then swimming the Hole in the Wall…


PA’s Hole in the Wall. It’s a pretty spot.

We’re also inviting friends to our place up island for our 10th wedding anniversary, which we’re doing on the same weekend as a big local event so there should be lots going on and lots of friends around which will make for a good time.

And now that our cabin up there is mostly finished, I’m excited to head north more frequently and spend more time at it, continuing to work on little things but also to just spend time relaxing and having fun, getting to know the community and area better.

I should have our travel trailer repairs done by summer too so if we have time, it would be nice to do another small road trip and check out some more places.

That’s already a bunch of fun stuff. Between all that and the usual summer fun like BBQ’s and hitting the quarry and fish ladders with friends, I feel like it’s already going to be a pretty bustling, enjoyable time.

Unless this turns out to be the year that Vancouver Island burns to a cinder, which is an ominous possibility.


That would be kind of fun too though.