day of puttering

lol. No, I really did mean puttering. Here was my day.

dog walk with Matt and Michael
horse chores
clip regan the chicken’s wings
lift weights
feed horse lunch
clean kitchen
water house plants
stuff pillow
clean chicken coop
feed horse dinner
plug spot in fence where chickens are getting out
pick up dog food on way to work

It was a full day, but a nice and relaxing day. I wish every day could be like this. Sigh.

surgery for girls, drugs for boys

I think we all know how common cosmetic surgery is, particularly among women — nose jobs, boob jobs, collagen injections, etc. There are occasional circumstances where I’m ok with that stuff but by and large, I think it’s a sign of widespread body dysmorphia, aka people being obsessed with the idea that their body is flawed and warrants exceptional measures to correct it. And of course, I think the cause of this is wack body ideals that women are bombarded with.

So I always thought men got off lucky, since tons of guys are total fat slobs but they seem to have no shame about it. But just the other night when I was watching UFC, one of the men fighting had a weird-looking chest — one of his pecs looked like a gross little tit.


I’ve seen this fella fight numerous times and never noticed his little grandma tit so I looked online and whaddya know, the meat head corner of the internet was blowing up about this. Apparently it’s called gynecomastia (or gyno for short) and it typically occurs in in teenage boys going through puberty due to an excess of estrogen hormones in their systems at the time. But it also frequently occurs with guys who are taking steroids.

That led me down a bit of a rabbit hole and I eventually realized, holy shit, there are a ton of guys on weightlifting, bodybuilding, MMA forums, and forums that have nothing to do with steroids, yet they all know what gyno is because tons of them do steroids themselves. They all talk about it openly, like “yo I’m currently cycling this and that but I’m not thrilled with my gains, anyone have any experience with these other steroids I’m considering trying,” and “I’ve developed gyno in both sides of my chest, what should I cycle to get rid of it?”

I had no idea that steroids were such a common thing among guys. I don’t think steroids are as bad as surgery but holy moly, they’re pretty bad too, and for the very same reasons: there are long-term health concerns, steroid use is evidence of deep-seated personal insecurities, and the root of those insecurities is society pushing unattainable body ideals on people.

I thought women had it bad and men got off scot-free but I’m saddened to say I was wrong. It seems like everyone is warped by what they see in the garbage superhero movies they watch, men and women alike. It was a tremendously disheartening realization.

Just another reason to wipe everyone off the face of this planet.

It’s too fucked, there’s no point trying to fix everything.


Since my post this morning, I’ve accomplished a small list of chores around the house, had a great abs, chest, and quads workout, and found a new chillwave mix I like a lot. Now I’m all jazzed up. I just had lunch though so I’ll probably start feeling sleepy pretty soon. I hope not, I much prefer feeling amped up to bummed out.

I wonder how much of this has to do with accomplishing stuff and being productive, and how much of it has to do with the endorphine rush of a good workout. I often feel like this after exercising, though not every time. I should take note of how I feel in the next hour or so to see if this does wear off and I resume my bummer mood.

Gracious me, moods are weird things. Sometimes I feel like a bipolar lunatic. I don’t think I am by any stretch of the imagination, I think every normal person must experience similar highs and lows, but cripes it sure can be a rollercoaster at times.