Sept 27th 2019 rant

I’ve got some more environmental shit to say.

I just read an article on how plastics meant for recycling in BC end up shipped to Malaysia where they are dumped and burned. I think this is fucked on a few levels.

First off, why are we shipping our recycling around the world? The shipping industry uses incredible amounts of fossil fuels to power their vessels so it’s like one step forward, two steps back. It’s like burning coal to charge your electric vehicle, the process outweighs the end goal. Whoever is in charge of this system fucked up royally. It’s bad right out of the gates.

Secondly, why don’t we recycle our own shit here in BC, or at least have several major recycling plants throughout Canada? People are always pissing and moaning about jobs so why not create jobs that also allow us to deal with our own waste, right here? It would take care of three problems at once by 1) creating jobs, 2) taking care of our recycling with higher, cleaner standards, and 3) avoid wastefully shipping our recycling around the world.

And hey, since I’ve got all the answers, I’ve got another brilliant idea you’re probably dying to know. With all the federal election stuff going on and every party promising the moon, I’ve been feeling especially disillusioned — remember when the Liberals promised proportional representation, only to completely backtrack on it? Remember their big change in climate policy talk, and how they then bought a fucking half-built oil pipeline? Well, this stuff has got me thinking that voting for egomaniacal politicians who rarely deliver on what they promise is the wrong approach to politics. Instead, I think we average citizens should be voting many times throughout the year on the various things that the politicians vote on. I’m talking about more of a people-powered government. So for example, rather than have the members of parliament vote on stuff, every Canadian citizen should be able to vote, and online so we all have easy access to it. I know, it’s a stupid idea since the average citizen doesn’t have the time to become fully informed on countless issues, but it seems like politicians who are paid very well to do that stuff for us are doing such an abysmal job that I can’t help but think of some kind of alternative.

That’s it for today’s rant.

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