you’re coming along

I woke up screaming again last night. I was having a nightmare that I was in a hotel or apartment building — there was a main hallway, with doors on either side. There were a couple people around but I don’t remember if I was talking to them, maybe one of them? Anyway, I felt an evil presence and I think I knew it was a dream at that point so I tried to play it cool and was pretending to laugh it off but the more I laughed, the more intense the evil presence became. My laughing and the presence increased to a fever pitch, a deafening din, at which point I felt like I was then face to face with the presence. It all came to a crescendo and I could no longer keep up my brave face and I started screaming in terror. Jenn woke me up then, and I heard the tale end of my own garbled, sleep-paralyzed screaming as I came to. Holy hell, it was scary.

This has gradually been happening more and more lately, the whole nightmare/garbled sleep screaming/Jenn waking me up shtick. I’m not sure why. It’s not like I’ve been watching anything scary lately. I mean, I keep trying but everything I watch stinks. Maybe my brain is coming up with its own movies, giving me what I wish I was getting from all the films I watch. Huh, maybe.

Regardless, I feel like I should revisit my practice of telling my brain “no nightmares tonight, buddy” just before I go to sleep. That has worked well in the past. The thing is, I’m not having tons of nightmares or anything. It’s only like once a month or so this happens, so it seems silly to give myself the pep talk every night when there’s such a small chance of having a nightmare, especially one that leads to screaming.

Maybe I should just keep on waking up screaming. I think Jenn likes it anyway. Who doesn’t like waking up to that?

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