Dracula 3-D prints a living version of Satan

I just had a really neat sci-fi horror dream. It was that Dracula, being an immortal vampire with infinite time on his hands, dedicated himself to science for hundreds of years, learning physics, biology, chemistry, computer technology, etc so that he could build what was basically a 3-D printer of flesh and bone in order to give rise to a corporeal Satan, to bring his evil master into this world.

I think that’s a fantastic story. Has that already been done? I feel like it must be, in some form or another, but I can’t think of it. I like it being a Dracula story in particular though. I mean, it could really be any old immortal with a penchant for evil but Dracula comes with his own backstory that everyone already knows so no need to waste a lot of time on his character development and illustrating that he’s immortal and evil. Plus it’s a funny and interesting character choice because I associate him with corny old black & white movie series (Dracula Returns, Son of Dracula, Dracula Strikes Back, etc) so the idea of using the character in a seriously dark movie with such a focus on dedication to true evil and the spiritual destruction of the human race really surprised my brain, even though my brain came up with it.

That reminds me: Jenn mentioned once how crazy it is that our brains are the writers, directors, and actors of our dreams, yet they are also the audience — it’s amazing that the audience part of our brains gets cut off from the parts that are creating the dream, thus allowing us to see the dream as if it’s new and foreign, something someone else is showing to us. It seems to illustrate how the different areas of our brain can operate so independently of each other.

Anyway, if I ever meet someone who makes films I should pitch the idea to them. It would be sure to be a complete financial flop but like I pointed out before, there just isn’t enough sci-fi horror in the world today so I’d be happy to play some role in contributing to it.

I looked up “dracula 3d printer” and found this. Definitely not on par with what my brain envisioned. I don’t think I even really saw much of Satan in my dream, the last thing I remember is he more or less looked like a regular man, was bloody from being not quite totally finished, and was stepping out of the printer. He certainly wasn’t a crummy old Dracula bust. Jeez, I’ll need to be careful who I entrust this idea to.

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