big days

Man, I’ve done so much stuff in the last several days, and it’s felt really good. Really satisfying. So satisfying in fact, I’m gonna make a boring ass list of what I’ve been up to!

  • practiced drums (x 2)
  • weight training
  • cleaned the kitchen
  • repaired a vintage stove and fridge we picked up that will stay at this house when we move
  • cleaned and bleached the new fridge because it smelled weird
  • swapped the new stove and fridge into the kitchen and put the old ones in the garage
  • prepped and painted some Tercel wheels (they turned out great)
  • adjusted the alignment on the Tercel
  • fixed the wonky steering wheel in the Tercel
  • picked up another little old TV
  • made a Misfits stencil thing that I put on the new TV so we can use it on stage at my band’s future shows
  • watched UFC
  • picked up an oil filter for the Corolla, and also some new house plants while I was doing that
  • got a bubble tea from The Tin Cup for the first time in several months (such a long break is a feat for me) that I shared with Jenn
  • picked up some nice stuff my hairdresser brought to her shop for me
  • baked cookies
  • took our refundables and whatnot to the bottle depot and recycling depot
  • touched base with various contractors regarding building in Sointula
  • finally watched The Silence of the Lambs in its entirety (it was quite good!)

Isn’t that all swell? Jeez, even writing that list felt good. And I bet I’m missing a few things too. Yup, it’s been a good few days over here.

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