something mike is familiar with

Man, there just isn’t enough time for everything I want to do. I’ve had the last several days off work and I’ve been jamming all kinds of shit I want to do into them — going to Jenn’s horse show, numerous errands in Victora, numerous errands in Duncan, going for a run, bubble tea, fucking with lava lamps, practicing drums, cleaning the house, doing mountains of laundry, strength training, picked up new chickens and integrated them in with the old girls, a friend’s retirement party, watching UFC, etc. And yet, I still haven’t gotten to a ton of other shit I want to do. Visit Barb, go for brunch with my dad, do some work on the Tercel in the garage, practice drums more, bake, replace some of the house plants I don’t like, that kind of thing. I need to retire like right fucking now. There’s just never enough time for all the shit I wanna do.