lame fake shaky voices/ridiculously bad acting

Seen some absolute piss tv series lately, now I’ve got a new pet peeve: lousy actors using shaky voices during emotional scenes. How often do you hear anyone have a shaky voice in real life? The correct answer is “never.” Sure, you might hear someone’s voice quiver for just a few seconds before they dissolve into a puddle of tears, and I guess that’s what these shite actors and their directors are probably going for but they’re missing the crucial details that a) the shaky voice only lasts for a moment, and b) is almost universally followed by a full-on cry. No one talks in a shaky voice for minutes on end, and without the big boo hoo that it is merely a brief prelude for.

So now as soon as I hear a shaky voice on a show, I think the show is insipid trash. It’s a dang curse because I’ve already struggled to enjoy most series, and now that I’ve developed this new hatred, it’s only gotten worse. Splendid.


There’s so much I want to say but I don’t wanna sit at a computer for hours and really dig into each one, so let’s go with the rapid(-ish) fire approach.

  • I think I’m going to actually start using social media again. FB already knows exactly who I am despite me giving all incorrect personal information when I signed up and having never added a single friend. I figure it will be good to have to keep in touch with people better once Jenn and I move up island, and I kind of want to get a jump on it before then. So be on the look out for that extremely exciting development, boys and girls.
  • Season 4 of Stranger Things is a fucking turd. The acting is all garrish and over-the-top, everyone’s facial expressions are absurdly exaggerated, like with their eyes bugging out all the time. The kids are supposed to be 14-15 yrs old and in grade 9 but they all look like strapping young adults now, because that’s what they actually are!! Seeing Will dressed in dorky clothes and keeping the ugly bowl cut is such a joke when we can clearly see he is now a 6’2″ lean and fit man. There are too many different stories going on at the same time so each one only gets a few minutes air time each episode, plus each story is way too huge in scope — just one subplot on its own would be enough for its own season or spinoff. The episodes are too long. The monster isn’t scary, it’s stupid. I’m sick of a new monster popping up each season. I could go on but that’s enough to get my point across. Season 4 is almost as bad as the second season. It makes me wonder if the first season was as good as I remember it. Maybe I’ll revisit it this year, just to see.
  • It’s the summer solstice today, and I’m thrilled that the days are already going to start getting shorter again. It’s usually such a slog to reach this point what with hot weather, droughts, wildfires and whatnot, but this year it’s been so dang mild and rainy that I can hardly believe we are here. It’s fantastic. It’s nuts that meanwhile, elsewhere in North America, killer heatwaves are going on. Anyway, I look forward to moving up island and having EVERY spring/summer be like this. Fuck the sun, fuck the heat.
  • We had a death in the family recently and so far I haven’t felt much over it. Actually, I haven’t felt anything at all. It’s weird because I remember years ago, thinking about this person dying and how I would miss their company, but here I am and so far, nothing. It makes me wonder what’s up with my brain. I know I’m not a total monster, I cried for about a week when my best chicken, Big Red, died last year. Same for a chick that Big Red adopted years ago, I was a total wreck over those two chicken deaths, so why not now for a human death? I have a feeling the grief is in here somewhere, I’m probably just burying it unintentionally. Once when Jenn and I went to Berlin, we took a lot of historical tours and I learned a lot about the second world war, the staggering number of deaths, atrocities and whatnot, and felt nothing through all of that too. But then on our last day there I saw a statue of a Russian soldier bidding his fallen comrades farewell and all of a sudden, out of nowhere, the waterworks turned on. I was quite astonished. Anyway, that’s what I bet is going on now too most likely, but I still feel guilty for not feeling more upset.
  • I’ve seen a handful of good movies lately. In the Earth, Sea Fever, and Malignant were all tres bonne. So far I’m very happy with my new approach of watching trailers, even just for a few moments — whatever I need to ascertain that the film has a decent budget, acting, atmosphere, etc.

That’s all I have patience for right now. Sorry Tom, I know you want more, MORE, MORE!!! but my back is killing me sitting here. I’ve gotta get up and move around.

I need to stop watching the ‘best picture of the year’ every year

Last night I watched Parasite with Liz. I thought it sucked. Get ready for spoilers if you haven’t seen it but honestly, I would recommend against wasting your time on it. All of the awards hype is bullshit. More on that later. First, the film itself.

A few of the actors were good but most of them were terrible, just cartoonish and over-the-top. I don’t know if that’s more of a cultural thing than an acting thing, like maybe Koreans are more animated in real life, but I doubt it.

I thought the feel of the movie was all over the map — it started out silly and fun, then got sort of thriller-ish, then serious, then silly again — and not in a Twin Peaks way that seems intentional and fun. It just felt inconsistent and amateurish.

There were tons of undeveloped or forgotten characters and elements all throughout the film, like the boy’s friend who left Korea and got him the job in the first place. I hate when films introduce characters as if they are going to play a role later on, only to never address them again. And the man hiding in the basement was weird and dumb, especially once he seemed to inexplicably lose his mind — so he has lived in a hidden bunker for four years with almost no human contact and is still happy and well-adjusted, and then suddenly he snaps when he gets in a fight with the main characters? That was dumb. And again, his “now I’m out of my mind” acting was ridiculous, laughable.

There were too many ham-fisted metaphors throughout the film, like the green rock that Kevin carries around that eventually brains him. Fuck, I’m sick of these kinds of obvious allegories in supposedly artsy films. Learn some subtlety, for piss sake.

The movie was way too long, too. I have no problem with long films — I generally like a good slow burn, actually — but Parasite was over two hours long, and felt way longer than that. I think that speaks volumes about how interesting and/or entertaining a film is, or isn’t in this case. Boring, meandering.

And yet, despite all this, Parasite won best picture and best director at the Academy Awards, apparently. What a surprise, the ‘best film of the year’ in their books is a turd in mine. I’ve bitched many times about film critics and awards and I’m going to do it again now because it’s such a joke. This time around, I found myself wondering what makes a film appealing to industry types and bigwigs, and I think the qualities they like are: it has to be artsy but not too artsy, and have mass appeal but not quite bubblegum pop mass appeal. If it’s too artsy or challenging, the phony artists don’t get it and feel dumb, and if it’s too easy to digest it doesn’t make them feel smart enough, so the films that typically win big tend to strike the blandest balance right in the middle — half-assed artsy and half-assed poppy. I think Parasite nailed that miserable balance so it’s no surprise it was such a darling this year. Remember when Roma was the big hit a year or two ago and everyone was creaming themselves over it, even though it was just a pretentious turd full of empty metaphors? And you notice how no one talks about Roma anymore? Yup, it will be the same way with Parasite in a year or two. These are not powerful, amazing films, leaving their marks on the annals of human history. They’re not the worst pieces of shit I’ve ever seen but ‘film of the year,’ they are not.

And don’t even start with “but the cinematography and shots are so beautiful.” Sure they were but great shots mean nothing to me without compelling story lines, believable characters, and convincing acting. Those are the fundamentals of a good film. Nail those and the rest is icing on the cake. Fuck them up and you’ve got nice icing on a steaming turd, and no one should be content eating a turd with icing on it.